Winter 2025 Kundalini Yoga Session: Jan 16!
In this beginner friendly Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Class, We'll focus on foundational yoga to build up strength and vitality and deep meditation to remember and reconnect to the infinite self. If you're looking for a restart and to get moving again this may be the class for you!
Thursdays starting Jan. 16 at 5 pm* for 8 weeks.
90 minute class. About an hour of yoga, 10 minutes to deeply relax, 10 minutes to meditate. Tea and conversation after.
This class is a hybrid class IF we have a remote student interested. You can attend in person at my studio in Auburn, ME. Or you may join the class live via Zoom link. The max class attendance for in-person is 10 students.
Cost is $160**
Sat nam,
*We can push the start time back slightly to accommodate work schedule of students. Please let me know if you'd like me to do this!
**If you want to take the class and this is unaffordable to you, talk to me. Sliding scale pricing is possible. Money is not a good reason not to do yoga.
* * * * * * *
I'm keeping up this description of the yoga journey because it has a lot of good information on Kundalini yoga for new clients. If you have any questions on if Kundalini yoga would be a good fit your you please just give me a call at 713-0628 or reach out to me via the contact page.
Understand with Compassion or you will Misunderstand the Times.
Introducing: The Yoga Journey
The theme for this Yoga Journey is “Understand with compassion or you will misunderstand the times.” *
In other words the theme for this fall is The Heart Center. In yoga the Heart is not just the supreme organ of the cardiovascular system it is also a one of the Chakras, a vortex of energy that governs compassion, love, and our ability to connect meaningfully to ourselves and others.
I'm guessing your Heart could use a little extra love and support right now. Grief and fear can get stuck in Heart and we can be overwhelmed by the Passions of the Heart, the flood of emotion, and forget the Compassion of the Heart. When we reconnect to this Compassion we can get our head above water and move forward with service and love.
Throughout the fall we will be doing yoga and meditation to support the heart and lungs as systems of the body, release grief and fear, build Compassion, and let our Hearts lead us as we navigate these complicated, passionate times,
*(This is the 4th Sutra of the Aquarian Age, you can learn more about the sutras here).
How does Yoga and Meditation work?
Since 2004 I've been leaning pretty hard on Yoga and meditation to give me the inner strength and guidance I need to move me toward my goal: transitioning from a corporate job that bored me to tears to owning a business of my own that satisfies my soul. It was terrifying at times but it worked, and much better than I ever thought it would!
The primary purpose of yoga and meditation is to help you connect to your soul and to unlock the intuition (and deep satisfaction) that comes from being deeply connected to your own inner being. When this connection is strong your have a inner radar for what connections, opportunities and relationships will further your healing. In this class we will be using yoga exercises, technology based on the qualitative observations of yogis over 1000s of years, to increase the strength of nervous and glandular systems so that we can physically meet the demands of building a new life for ourselves.
Healing "Gong Baths" will be included in the yoga journey. At least once a month, class will feature an enhanced relaxation period with the healing power of a symphonic gong played live. The immersive sound waves of the gong wash away stress and tension from every cell of the body, that's why they call it a gong bath! (Gong doesn't translate well on Zoom! Unless we have some in-persons students we wont do this).
This Yoga Journey is an excellent continuation and deepening of the work of previous Yoga Journeys. It is also a way for experienced yogis from other traditions to add a more meditative and spiritual side to their yoga practice. New to yoga? Don't worry the yoga Yoga Journey is a welcoming and supportive place for enthusiastic beginners. As a group we'll journey together in to the world of yoga and meditation, using as our guide into the powerful themes of authenticity, self discovery, and healing.
The Yoga Journey is a 4 month journey of weekly yoga classes culminating in a 40 day meditation practice.
In the course of the Yoga Journey you will learn:
- The five foundational yoga exercises that build core strength and flexibility so that you can stay feeling young and limber and have the energy to meet your goals.
- The secrets of deep meditation, so that you can know yourself and feel greater calm and clarity about the present and the future.
- The healing technology of Kundalini yoga Kriyas. A Kriya is a prescribed set of yoga exercises for a specific purpose: i.e. build the aura, deeply relax, support lungs and circulation... You'll learn how to use the wisdom of Kriya to support your own personal healing.
- Three crisis kit meditations: simple breath exercises that you can use to calm yourself--any time, anywhere.
- The four strategies you need to form a solid daily practice that carries your forward long after class is over.
The Yoga Journey is more than your typical yoga class:
- 90 minute classes give time for yoga, AND to relax and meditate.
- Mats and props provided.
- A little social time after each class. An uplifting Sangat (community) is a beautiful support to any kind of positive growth.
- Small classes. Since it's 9 people or less in a class, you'll have individual attention from the instructor as well as the support of a group. You'll get individual tips on how to modify exercises to accommodate where your body is that week.
- Each session is its own closed, committed group. So you'll journey with a cadre of like minded folks all Spring. You'll have the safety--and accountability--of seeing the same faces every week.
- Recording of class on request.
- A Gong Bath relaxation as part of the class at least once a month. (Gong on break unless we have some in person students. Tiny computer speakers and Gongs don't mix!
- Group participation in a 40 day meditation in starting in Nov. A forty day meditation is when you do the same meditation every day for forty days. If you haven't already started a daily practice, this is a chance to experience how the benefits of daily meditation can unfold in your life. Sometimes I've experienced profound shifts during a forty day meditations, other times the changes were subtle, but I always feel they move me forward. Forty day meditations are the cornerstone of my daily practice. I'm basically always in the middle of one!
- New Yogi Orientation Class: This bonus class is geared to students who are new to yoga, new Kundalini Yoga, or who just want to ease into the yoga journey. You'll get introduced to the basics and have plenty of time for questions.
The Nuts and Bolts:
- Basic Logistics and Scheduling -
The yoga journey includes:
- weekly 90 minute yoga classes, mats and props provided, and a little social time after.
One session is offered:
- Class starts
- the last regularly scheduled weekly class is
- One SNOW DAY is built into the schedule, if we get more than that I'll start scheduling make-ups.
- A New Yogi Orientation class is offered for students new to yoga, Kundalini yoga, or who just want to ease into the class:
- Tuesday Community Meditation at 6:30 am on Zoom. A chance to meditate as a community and start the day off right! Takes about 15 min.
The Yoga Journey is $320.
You can pay in full or in two parts. $160 when you sign up and a second $160 by March 16. If this is a hardship for you, please pay from the heart. Meaning pick one of the amounts that fits your budget and make your heart feel good.
You can pay online here.
Early Bird offer:
If you apply and pay your down payment by you get a free half hour Reiki Session or Massage Gift Certificate that you can use for yourself or give to a friend.
Seva (Service) Opportunity: If you have more time than money right now, I am open to having one Seva student. He or she would get the Journey for half price if they are able to come before class on Monday each week and vacuum (Or even on Sunday evening), sweep or otherwise do light cleaning of the yoga area. It would be about a half hour of work. In pandemic times you can fulfill this by taking a half hour every week to pick up litter, weed or otherwise beautify your neighborhood or a neighborhood that needs it in your town.
Premium Offers:
Massage and energy work are a great addition to yoga and help release physical tension and open up energy blocks in the body.
Add four half hour massage or energy work sessions to your journey: $468 or two payments of $234
Add four hour massages to your journey: $588 or two payments of $294
Add four 90 min Massages to your journey: $708 or two payments of $354
Class is in downtown Lewiston, ME. Address and parking information given at sign up.
A Chance to try it out.
The Yoga Journey is a commitment, and many people are new to me and to Kundalini Yoga. I want every one of my yoga students to really want to be part of the Yoga Journey.
If you're on the fence about joining the Yoga Journey, you can attend the Sept.. 12th Beginners Class and come to the first Yoga Journey class before you decide for sure if you want to continue with the rest of the Journey. If you drop the class at this point you'll get all but a $20 deposit back.
Signing up:
Since the yoga journey is a committed, small group class with a theme of letting your true self shine, I'm asking for an application before new students register. This is just an opportunity for me to ask a few questions to get to know you better, and to get a sense of what you'd like to get out of the class. I'll keep your answers private of course, but I'll use them to get a sense of the class and tailor the curriculum to the needs and interests of the students.
To apply please call me at 713-0638 or email me to ask for an application. Until I can figure out how to load an email form here, I'm afraid you'll have to go to my Contact Page.
But it's Online! It's not as good as in person...
I hear you! I miss in-person classes too. But trust me something is better than nothing. This is a live class, you will receive support and community and trust me you will feel better from having practiced together as a virtual group! Remember 80% of yoga is showing up and that is true online or in-person.
Can I physically do this?
It will probably comfort you to know that some of my happiest and most enthusiastic students are 60+, and some of them can't sit cross legged on the floor!
Here's some basic guidelines: if you can go up and down stairs, get in and out of a car, and get down onto the floor and up again by yourself (even if you feel TOTALLY ungraceful while doing this, and need the the assistance of a sturdy piece of near-by furniture), you can certainly do Kundalini yoga.
Even though Kundalini Yoga is designed to physically challenge everyone, it is weirdly forgiving. I promise that you don't have to be pretzel-bendy or have the balance of a ninja to get a LOT of benefit.
The hard Kundalini Yoga exercises tend to ask you to do something pretty simple, like lift your arm up to 60 degrees or lift your leg 6 inches off the floor; but then asks you to keep doing this for 2 or 3 minutes. Wow! Now something really simple is really challenging!
So, what happens if you can't keep your arm or leg up for that long? You put it down. No wrathful bolt of lightning strikes you. You just rest for a few seconds and get back at it if you can. As long as you're authentically engaged in doing the posture the best you can, you will get the benefit and build your body up from where you are.
What do I wear?
Comfortable clothes that let you move freely: i.e. sitting on the floor, waving your arms around, lifting your legs up, etc.
What if I can't sit still, or I've been too ADD to meditate successfully before?
I've found the pace of Kundalini yoga to be well suited to folks who are a little restless, and have had many ADD students say it helps them to focus. If you've had trouble meditating, know there are TONS of different kinds of meditations, and that Kundalini Yoga meditations tend to be easier to stay focused on. I go into a lot more depth about that in this blog: “Help! I'm too ADD to meditate!”
This sounds great, but I'm really not sure I can do this…
Some people are really nervous to try yoga for the first time (or again after a negative experience). Or they might have a physical limitation that they worry takes yoga off the table for them. I understand. If you need a little more support, I'd like to suggest taking a few 1 hour individual yoga lessons with me. Individual lessons are $60. You'll get learn without feeling self conscious about having other people there, and I can give you individually tailored modifications to all the basic kundalini yoga exercises so you can step into group classes with confidence. If you'd feel more comfortable talking lessons with a friend. I'll see both of you at the rate of $80 a class.
What if I decide the class is not for me?
You will get a full refund minus $20 if you decide to drop the class before Sept. 17th The Yoga Journey is a commitment, and I want each student to really lean into the structure of the class the community of fellow students. You attendance is very important to you, your classmates, and to the overall energy of the class. If you're new to Kundalini Yoga, or to me, I strongly suggest you attend the Sept. 12th New Yogi Orientation. Listen deeply to your heart and decide if the class, and the timing, is right for you. Rest assured, there will be other Yoga Journeys.